Learn Textile Designing

December 27, 2018
This degree can help one to

MicroLife 2John Wylie is regarded as over 500 members which form our gifted Textile Design Lab community, in addition to high quality and breadth of their work constantly impresses and inspires myself. Featuring their work with this month’s TDL user spotlight was a no-brainer while he just completed a knockout structure collection for our current Chelsea’s Challenge regarding “Nocturne” trend (several images from that collection seen preceding.) Kindly enjoy today’s meeting with John for more information on their change from world of science toward realm of area design, exactly what inspires him, and much more. -Chelsea

Reveal quite about yourself. In which will you be from? Understanding your career background and what drew you to textile design?

ShroudedIm initially from Toronto, Canada, but at this time call bay area home after my biomedical analysis work relocated toward West Coast in 2006. While i've worked in biomedical analysis for more than 25 years, we never ever lost fascination with the arts. I studied wildlife design and botanical watercolor painting through University of Toronto. Within Toronto School of Art, I learned figure drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking. While residing in Toronto, I became a part of varied arts organizations and exhibited my work frequently. After going to Ca, I finished the graphical design system during the University of Ca, Berkeley. I happened to be constantly fascinated with textile design however it had been through my classes in graphic design that i truly got introduced to structure design. We liked having the ability to make use of standard art methods, as well as digital resources, to generate repeating habits. Textile design in addition seemed to match my passion for printmaking; the notion of multiples, saying units and display publishing. At the time of last year I finished my career in biomedical study and am now focusing just on visual and textile design.

Shrouded Devices modern Chintz MicroLife Plaid Triangles