Textile Designing

October 8, 2018
Final Thesis Display of HU

Those expert functions derive from the wealthy reputation for the world's textile countries. Becoming a simple commodity, the cloth is mixed up in acute cases and says of change in individual life (birth, puberty, relationship, death among others) and is among the first attributes of a civilization. Fabrics are suffused with cultural meanings, showing within their look and making. At this time fabrics have become an important training in contemporary art and vital debates coping with the boundaries and links between art, craft and design.

Contemporary textiles expose rich and complex frameworks, which touch every domain of life both in the level of every day functions, and also as important aesthetic presences. As vehicles of aesthetic-technological innovation and dreaming, today's fabrics provide a type of a "material thinking", which attracts its important theoretic potential from the unique historic experience, plus the smooth and flexible viewpoint of cloth, of the fold plus the interweaving.

What do we instruct?
The studies when you look at the Textile Design division prepare the pupils for this complex globe by means of an original dialogue between products and tips. This program provides a built-in toolbox of abilities, technologies, principle and historical understanding, emphasizing holistic methods to design training, environmental and personal obligation and specific imagination.

The student is equipped with an useful and in-depth familiarity with the textile making, production and production in printed, woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics, also general area design and design of textile-based items.

  • Constructed textiles:
    This system is designed to develop the eyesight and skill of a fashion designer focusing on constructed textiles (weave, knit) to use in high res: designing the materials's framework, imbuing it with certain qualities, so directing the innovative process to a particular product or area of application.
  • Printed textiles:
    Focus of the system is on the development of a current visual formula, which is developed in accordance with the fabric's predestination and the fashion designer's individual creative schedule, confirming and simultaneously reinventing the familiar textile area.

Built fabrics and printed "flat" fabrics will vary, but closely relevant facets of the exact same material and cultural order. The research allow the students to explore the authentic qualities and specialty regarding the two paradigms of appearance and manufacturing.

Inside students' creative processes this incorporated expertise, along with an in-depth research of visual and material contemporary countries, give birth to a different product thinking, handling, via collaborations with other divisions in Shenkar, questions of sustainability, manufacturing procedures, complex geometries and smooth interactive surfaces. At precisely the same time the ancient backbone of textiles, the world of themes, colors and designs, e.g. design of quality selections for contemporary fashion or interior areas stays as relevant as ever.