Fabric Design Book

December 21, 2017
Design on Fabrics by Meda
Advanced fabrics for health and wellness

From Publisher. From health implants to spacesuits, higher level textiles have the potential to transform real human habitats and transportation, protect environmental surroundings and support personal health and wellbeing. The world’s many developers and engineers will work together to develop high-performance materials being sustainable, fireproof, soundproof and anti-bacterial, and gives protection against severe weather conditions and man-made catastrophes.

Advanced Textiles for overall health celebrates modern technological advances in materials and fabrics. The first the main guide discusses materials themselves, including artificial and crossbreed fibers, brand new weaves and knits, three-dimensional products, coatings, biotechnology and nanotechnology. The second component views the design innovations that have been permitted in clothing, transport, while the normal and built environment.

More than 200 colour illustrations show the wonder and ingenuity of the latest higher level textiles and their exciting applications, which effect on all aspects of our resides. An authoritative glossary of technical terms and a listing of companies full this vital guide.

Arts and Crafts Embroidery

From the author. Embroidered textiles are the many individual and instant art form practiced because of the Arts & Crafts Movement (c. 1860-1910). This art from another time features its own tale to share with. Some products are the humble workaday pieces for utility in your home, while some tend to be invaluable pieces of art. Regardless if you are quite a while collector or only have recently be enthusiastic about the Arts & Crafts motion, this guide will allow you to better comprehend the record behind such needlework. This book features over 380 stunning photographs regarding the work of popular developers including William Morris and Gustav Stickley. You will see the English, the Scottish, therefore the US types of Arts & Crafts needlework and come to realize their similarities and variations. This guide will delight all connoisseurs of fabrics including Arts & Crafts aficionados.

Ascher: Fabric, Art, Fashion British Textiles: 1700 to the current

This comprehensive compendium offers an aesthetic history of Uk textiles with over 1, 000 images. It shows the amazing imaginative capabilities of expert and amateur designers over three hundreds of years. International experts introduce each period while the fabrics manufactured in it.

Chinese Silks