William Morris textile designs

February 26, 2019
The magnificent five-panel

William Morris, photograph by Frederick Hollyer, 1884, platinum print. Museum no. 7717-1938, © Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonWilliam Morris, picture by Frederick Hollyer, 1884, platinum printing. Museum no. 7717-1938, © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

William Morris (24 March 1834 - 3 October 1896) had been an English textile fashion designer, singer, blogger, and socialist from the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood together with English crafts and arts Movement.

Morris (1834-96) had trained as a designer and had early unfulfilled aspirations to be a painter. As a student at Oxford he found the artist Edward Burne-Jones, and through this relationship he arrived to contact with the Pre-Raphaelite painters, such Rossetti, and others within their group. In 1859 Morris hitched Jane load, an unconventional beauty and a favourite design the Pre-Raphaelites. He straight away commissioned his buddy, the architect Philip Webb, to build them an innovative new home on land he'd purchased in Bexleyheath, Kent. Today a suburb of London, Bexleyheath was then a rural location. Morris wanted a modern residence which may nonetheless be ‘very medieval in character'. This is exactly what Webb gave him.

Morris and his spouse moved into Red home in 1860 and invested next two years decorating and enhancing the inner. Morris performed much of the work himself, with help from his musician friends. Encouraged by the success of their particular attempts, they made a decision to start unique business. In April 1861 Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. had been set up at 8 Red Lion Square in London. It produced a range of original domestic furnitures including embroidery, tableware and furnishings, stained cup and tiles. Wallpapers were quickly included with record because Morris ended up being struggling to discover any he liked good enough to use inside the own house.

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. profoundly impacted the decoration of churches and homes in to the very early twentieth century. He was in addition a major factor to revitalizing conventional textile arts and ways of production, and another of this creators of SPAB, today a statutory aspect in the preservation of historical structures in britain.

Morris composed and published poetry, fiction, and translations of old and medieval texts throughout their life. Their best-known works range from the Defence of Guenevere also Poems (1858), The Earthly haven (1868–1870), A Dream of John Ball (1888) plus the utopian Information from no place (1890).

He was an essential figure into the emergence of socialism in Britain, founding the Socialist League in 1884, but breaking with this company over goals and methods because of the end regarding the ten years.

He devoted a lot of the remainder of his life towards the Kelmscott Press, which he founded in 1891. The 1896 Kelmscott version regarding the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer is considered a masterpiece of guide design.


Attends Marlborough School for 36 months. Independently informed by the Rev. F B man 1851-1852.


Attends Exeter university, Oxford, aided by the intention of becoming a clergyman. Matches Edward Burne-Jones, additionally a first-year undergraduate. Their passion for medieval art and design starts while at university.


Has his inheritance of £900 per year. Makes a hiking trip of this Gothic cathedrals in north France with Burne-Jones.


Begins operate in the architectural company of G E Street. Meets Phillip Webb and, later that 12 months, Dante Gabriel Rosetti. Morris abandons their fledgeling job in architecture and becomes an artist.


Morris, Burne-Jones, Rosetti and various others paint the Oxford Union frescoes. Meets Jane load, certainly one of Rosetti's designs.


Marries Jane Load.


Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Co. founded. Creator users feature Ford Madox Brown, Burne-Jones, Rosetti and Webb.


Designs initial of their wallpapers for Company. Publishes poetry like the life-and-death of Jason and The Earthly haven.


Scientific studies Icelandic with Eirikr Magnusson, additionally the following year publishes translations of he Saga of Gunnlaug Worm-tongue therefore the tale of Grettir the Strong.


Publishes a prose tranlation from Icelandic for the Volsunga Saga. Commits himself to radical Socialist governmental activity.


Morris and Rosetti become combined tenants of Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire. Journeys to Iceland. In 1873, journeys to north Italy with Burne-Jones.


Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. dissolved and reconstituted as Morris & Co., with Morris as sole owner. In 1877 Morris founds The community for the coverage of Ancient Buildings.


The Morris household transfer to Kelmscott home in Hammersmith. Made honorary fellow of Exeter College, Oxford.


Publishes Art and Socialism and a listing of the Principles of Socialism. Founds the Socialist League. Becomes profoundly taking part in governmental activism, and it is arrested relating to free address demonstrations.


Founds the Kelmscott Press at Hammersmith. Decreases the offer of poet-laureateship after Tennyson's demise.


Publishes The Wood Beyond the entire world. Starts focus on the Kelmscott Chaucer, created by Morris and illustrated by Burne-Jones, and published in 1896. Also posts The Well at Earth's End.