Traditional textile Design

September 10, 2015
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Digicrafted Laura Martinez 3D printing TextilesOn we love 3D printing and we believe this has a large future, but our company is maybe not blind to the fact that, particularly in the current, 3D printing programs can be valorized by incorporating all of them with standard manufacturing techniques. This really is true for items and and components, and, relating to textile designer Laura Martinez, particularly pertinent for textile designs.

Lately, several different methodologies have actually emerged for 3D imprinted clothes. One is by 3D printing the complete clothe themselves in one go or in parts (these include a few of Iris Van Herpen’s projects, Lady Gaga’s dress or even the Volkswagen Smoke Dress). Another option is always to 3D print the fabric as a chain of little synthetic rings (like in the developmental work of NERVOUS Systems) but another alternative is the fact that offered by Digital Knitting.

Laura Martinez is proposing still another method. Her task, that has been very first spotlighted on 3D Print Show in London last November, seeks to make use of old-fashioned textile craft to soften the electronic aesthetic of 3D printed fabrics. Her creations take advantage of the complex geometries and structures that may be produced just through 3D printed technologies, combining them with elements made through traditional labour intensive needlecraft and material manipulation techniques.

The concept behind Digicrafted, that may (and frequently is) placed on many 3D printed applications, usually conventional handcraft adds value to 3D printed items both by conveying a more familiar feel to a certain item and also by helping united states comprehend previous manufacturing ways to totally value the new options that 3D printing provides.

Martinez is a member of, a collective of textile manufacturers which try to interrogate founded perceptions within their discipline to fully know very well what this means to-be a textile fashion designer in the twenty-first century. Her project especially wants to explore the “yet undefined space in which traditional textiles and additive technologies are combined.”