Decorative techniques for Textiles

June 9, 2017
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If you have got many persistence (or a sewing machine), utilizing embroidery to pay for conductive thread traces can truly add a beautiful finishing touch towards project. Based assembling your project dimensions and fabric type, hand embroidery might be much easier to do than suitable the project on a device. This process additionally is effective if you are insulating the front of a project. For only the inside, decide to try a quicker method like interfacing or fabric layers.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Drying/Setting Time: Not One
Mess Level: Minimal

Materials Required:

  • Embroidery Thread
  • Embroidery Needle
  • Scissors
  • Sewing Machine (optional)


Hand Stitching:

Carefully stick to the line of conductive thread and cover using a satin stitch. Here’s a tutorial from Sublime Stitching on the satin stitch. You are able to add additional embroidery all over conductive bond to add it into a bigger design. Get creative!

Device Stitching:

In the event that you project suits quickly on a sewing-machine, make use of a zig zag (or button-hole) stitch on a little environment and sew over the conductive thread. Try not to sew over any components - they could get harmed by the needle, or higher most likely break your needle and get caught in the device. Leave about an inch around any elements and a lengthy end of bond to complete the stitching by hand.


  • Ensure that the embroidery stitches tend to be near collectively and completely cover the conductive bond - any gaps will expose the bond and then leave more space for quick circuits.


  • No damp paint or glue to manage
  • Imaginative stitching will completely camouflage your traces
  • Can protect both front side and straight back of stitching within one action