Textile Product Design

September 23, 2018
Textile Design Courses

DAF-Color-Logo-VectorThe Advanced Textile items Student Design Challenge is an annual contest established to motivate university and institution students of design, fabrics manufacturing, and allied curricula to resolve security and security issues utilizing technical fabrics and narrow fabrics in practical designs.

Pupils will create a genuine design and prototype for a protection item that will protect bodies or residential property from hazardous circumstances. These circumstances consist of, but are not restricted to, severe hot or winter; effect; chemical or biological visibility; bad presence; fall defense. Health or health programs tend to be permitted. Projects whose major purpose is general sporting comfort or defense against ecological conditions will never be accepted. Tasks must incorporate a textile component as a major an element of the product.

Entrants must be signed up for post-secondary textiles, apparel, engineering, or design programs in universities or universities. Multiple per student is allowed. Team entries tend to be permitted. Mentoring by IFAI member organizations may be readily available upon demand.


  1. Use fabrics as an important component
  2. Design for aerospace, medical, armed forces, safety/protective or other wearable and non-wearable textile technology applications
Project description including:
  • How the project achieves its purpose
  • The reason why the product/space had been created
  • Proof showing that is a genuine design
  • Any such thing special or complex in regards to the project which could never be obvious inside photographs or requirements
  • References or products mentioned
  • Exactly what features or advantages did textile offer that other choices couldn’t/didn’t
  • Why is fabric a favored option over materials.
Digital pictures
  • 4-8 electronic photos regarding the project, including design pictures.
  • Image resolution must certanly be no less than 300 dpi.
  • One or more associated with the photos needs to be a general view regarding the project. Additional images should show significant details or perspectives of task.
  • Photos and papers must certanly be posted for Window system in .doc(English).jpg.bmp.tiff.ppt or.pdf.
first location
  • $500 money prize to pupil or $1, 500 to team of three or higher pupils
  • Presentation of project at IFAI Expo occasions
    For approximately three downline:
  • Free subscription to IFAI Expo
  • Complimentary vacation costs up to $500 per pupil to go to IFAI Expo
  • $400 put on travel and resort prices for academic advisor or university trainer to wait IFAI Expo
  • Venture showcased in IFAI and division publications as well as on internet sites