Textile programs

September 12, 2017
Are you a fibre fanatic?

homeschoola mother or father or any other responsible person must come with your son or daughter.

Silk, spider webs, and rayon are produced similarly. Learn about the technology, technology, and tradition of silk, as well as other extruded materials. Students will determine the physiology of a spider and notice and reenact the legend for the breakthrough of silk in ancient China, plus try out unraveling a silk cocoon.

Mastering requirements should be fulfilled as pupils:

  • Identify and explain the attributes of all-natural materials and human-made materials.
  • Describe the main phases that characterize the life pattern of the spider and silkworm as they undergo metamorphosis.
  • Observe flowers and creatures as living things that develop
  • Identify the safe and correct usage of tools and products.

a parent or any other accountable adult must come with your youngster.
Ages 6+

Knowledge day to day life when you look at the Colonial era (c. 1760) through lively interactive experiences and tasks. Pupils will go into the world of Colonial America utilizing maps, artifacts, demonstrations and practical tasks. This multi-station system covers spinning and weaving, flax handling, toys and games, and a tour of Museum’s Colonial exhibits.

Price: per pupil (including grownups)
Ages 8+
a moms and dad or any other accountable person must accompany your youngster.

Go through the pleasure of weaving a twill wall hanging making use of a 4-Harness dining table Loom, also known as a Dorothy Loom. This program will motivate many different developmental abilities, and will be offering an innovative and challenging learning experience. As they weave, pupils learn patterning, vital thinking abilities, issue solving, and producing in three-dimensions. Strengthen your learning with a tradition that goes back many thousands of years, while remaining attractive today.

Expense: per student (including grownups)
Years 8+
a moms and dad or other accountable person must come with your child.

a parent or any other responsible adult must come with your son or daughter.
Years 8+

Many years ago individuals utilized recycleables from the environment and switched all of them into woven articles maintain by themselves cozy or cool or simply just to embellish. Listen to a brief overview of weaving. Learn to warp and weave on a cardboard loom and produce a wall dangling making use of yarns of different designs and colors. You could embellish your wall hanging with beads and feathers. Then hang your woven art on a stick you found in nature.

This system guides young kids through a research of just how all-natural fiber is used generate material. They are going to learn how a sheep’s wool is spun into yarn, woven, and sewn into a garment.

After the tale of Charlie requirements a Cloak by Tomie DePaola, young ones should be guided through the process of shearing sheep, cleaning and carding wool, rotating the materials into bond, dying, weaving and clothing construction. This system includes an abundance of physical experiences from smelling raw-wool to touching samples of wool within various stages of processing. Sewing is introduced, utilizing plastic needles and yarn. You may leave with a brand new understanding for the winter season coat!