Caitlin Wilson Textiles

September 16, 2015
What I m Loving: Caitlin

I am a passionate interior fashion designer, wife, and mommy. Initially from the san francisco bay area Bay Area, we was raised with a love for gorgeous art and design. We began Caitlin Wilson Design in 2007 and now have already been endowed with great success creating rooms from san francisco bay area into Cayman Islands. Could work has appeared in a few mags global and is featured in Celerie Kemble's book, Ebony & White: (and somewhat in-between). Pattern and shade tend to be my strength, the foundation by which we design my areas. When I exhausted all the material resources i possibly could find online and in design centers, i came across a void shopping that we longed to fill.

When my husband's job took us offshore for 2 many years, my company carried on to develop when I practiced life in London, Dubai, and Hong-Kong. I happened to be richly inspired by our moves; the classic patterns associated with center East and Asia started to fill my mind with ideas of textile design. Through a number of amazing activities, I happened to be capable design my images while residing in Hong Kong. My textiles are versatile, advanced, and affordable.

My very first collection was made with simple pairing in mind, providing a cohesive designer visual. All my habits are juxtaposed for a bold, edgy appearance- I want you to possess enjoyable because of the procedure! My objective is for these textiles to create your domiciles to life in a simple, inexpensive, and gorgeous method. I am delighted to share Caitlin Wilson Textiles to you! It's been a thrilling, fulfilling trip and I was grateful to those who have contributed into the process. Many thanks for your support!